caring for our soil and water.
Why Should we conserve soil & water?
In the 1930s, poor management of agricultural resources coupled with drought conditions and wind erosion contributed to Dust Bowl. Typically, farmers overfarmed and overgrazed their lands which, during drought conditions, began to blow away.
Following the devastation of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt recommended the Standard State Soil Conservation Districts Act be signed into law by all state governors. This act gave states a step-by-step guide to create conservation districts and listing their powers and responsibilities.
“Land must be nurtured; not plundered and wasted.” – Hugh Hammond Bennett.
During every four (4) year election cycle, the three (3) elected district director seats are filled with newly elected soil and water district directors in every county of our 50 states. As Loudoun Soil and Water Conservation District Directors and Associate Directors, we are responsible for the conservation work within the boundaries of Loudoun County. The mission of the District is to provide leadership in recognising and addressing soil and water conservation issues and problems, both existing and potential, and to promote and develop education and technical programs which will meet the agricultural and urban conservation needs of our District.